Natural advice: Powering up for Program Plans
When I was first informed that we were now going to be asked to submit official program plans for our nature center education programs, I couldn't help but cringe a little bit. Another piece of paperwork to fill out? I even noticed my coworker roll his eyes a bit. But when I thought about it for another moment, I began to understand why the agency I work before was taking the initiative to have their staff develop written plans for their education programs. Program plans , or program outlines , offer a summary of what you have planned for your interpretive program, including themes, materials, where you'll conduct the program, and other pertinent information. A good program outline allows someone to pick it up and know right away what the program is about and what materials and preparation tasks are necessary to conduct the program successfully. But what is a program plan supposed to look like? It seems like all of my coworkers have their...