Can you give me a hint of where the green stuff is? A greenspace analysis of Norfolk, Virginia
Section I: Introduction
an increasingly urbanized and human-developed landscape, natural lands such as
forests, meadows, and streams are increasingly being divided and separated into
smaller and more isolated areas. Growing
population densities across major metropolitan areas in the United States are
placing available acreage of open space for public use on a premium. As McMahon notes, a growing community usually
has plans to expand its “airport, sewage treatment plant, storm water
facilities, fiber optics cables, and other community utilities,” yet often
ignores or omits plans to “preserve their essential life sustaining natural
infrastructure,” (2000). Greenspace in
an urban setting can not only serve as a vital resource to people, it can also
be beneficial in protecting wildlife and other natural resources.
Virginia, one of the “Hampton Roads” cities in southeast Virginia, is a low
elevation coastal city whose origins date back to early European colonization
of the former colony of Virginia. Presently,
Norfolk has a population of 245,782 people spread across a landscape that is
nearly entirely urban (U.S. Census Bureau, 2013, and Map 1). The terrain is generally flat and low lying,
with elevations only averaging 10-20 feet above mean sea level. Its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean to the
east, the Chesapeake Bay to the north, and its vast stretches of tidal water allow
for a more moderate climate. This marks
Norfolk and the surrounding area an important stopover on the Mid-Atlantic
flyway for migratory birds, as well as critical habitat for wildlife.
of natural resources and naturalized land in Norfolk has been somewhat limited,
at least in terms of terrestrial resources.
Norfolk’s open spaces are for the most part “postage-stamp” parks such
as corner playgrounds and recreational fields usually no larger than 10 acres
in area (City of Norfolk recreation, parks, and open space, 2013). Habitat for wildlife is often confined to
habitat “islands” that consist of small, discontinuous greenspaces. Habitat fragmentation of plant and wildlife
habitat has become a chief concern among wildlife biologists in recent
years. As humans develop more and more
of the landscape, movement and migration of wild animals has been increasingly
restricted and sometimes inhibited by the profusion of inhospitable lands as a consequence
of human development.
habitat “islands” themselves can alter the dynamics of wildlife populations and
their migration into a metapopulation pattern.
A metapopulation consists of
“a discrete set of populations of the same species in the same general
geographic area, that may exchange individuals through migration, dispersal, or
human mediated movement,” (Akcayaka, Mills, & Doncaster, 2007). Although metapopulations of wildlife can be a
naturally occurring phenomena, others can be human caused. Wildlife ecologists have noted that plants
and animals can assume a metapopulation dynamic wherever landscapes are
fragmented as a result of human activities and urban development (Akcayaka,
Mills, & Doncaster, 2007). The main
components of a species metapopulation consists of sources and sinks. Sources
are larger areas of wildlife habitat where there is a general equilibrium
of emigration and immigration of individuals, or where births rates exceed
death rates. Smaller habitat islands
that are some distance away from sources are referred to as sinks.
Sinks a greater rate of immigration of individuals, or have death
rates exceed birth rates (Akcayaka, Mills, & Doncaster, 2007). It should be noted that the formation of
habitat islands themselves are similar to islands in a large body of water, but
in this context are in a “sea” of urban development.
The impacts of habitat fragmentation has
necessitated the need for an ecosystem-based management approach to wildlife
conservation. This stands in contrast to
managing a small nature preserve to protect only a single species (Chiras &
Reganold, 2005). Ecosystem management
includes the challenge of how to best manage metapopulations in a manner that
allows for population stability, genetic diversity, and minimal risk of
extinctions, as well as movement of individuals (Akcakaya, Mills, &
Doncaster, 2007).
knowledge of the distribution of fragmented land is an essential component of
examining and managing an ecosystem, especially in a geographic area that is
highly urbanized. The use of a
geographic information system (GIS) has become a valuable tool and resource in
ecosystem management for both hydrological and terrestrial systems (Chiras
& Reganold, 2005). For example, a
GIS can be used by wildlife biologists to monitor the migration of wildlife
(Chiras & Reganold, 2005), or it can
be used to assist managers in determining which areas in a reserve offer
suitable habitat for wildlife species based upon different geophysical
characteristics such as elevation, land cover, or proximity to roads (Price,
2013). A map can then be produced which
can assist land managers and urban planners in making sound decisions based
upon known habitat fragmentation and the relative proximity of urban
potential management application with respect to a fragmented landscape is the
creation of or enhancement of wildlife corridors. A wildlife
corridor is a linear-shaped area of natural land that can link natural
areas together and provide necessary migration routes between source and sink
wildlife populations (Chrias & Reganold, 2005; Akcayaka, Mills, &
Doncaster, 2007). A habitat corridor can
be essential for natural resource management in an urban landscape, since urban
areas can serve as a dispersal barrier to most wildlife (Akcayaka, Mills, &
Doncaster, 2007). Norfolk’s urban
landscape makes it challenging to manage for wildlife corridors, because most
of the greenspace parcels shown in Maps 1 and 2 are widely separated from one
another. Yet as Akcayak and others note,
wildlife corridors can be artificially created, which can still help reduce
extinction of many species (2007). Conservation
easements and other private land conservation areas have the potential to
protect natural resources on non-public greenspaces (Chrias & Reganold,
cartographic experiment presented in this paper is an attempt to begin
examining habitat fragmentation in Norfolk’s urban landscape by analyzing areas
within the city that are within a certain distance of green space islands. An effort to better understand which areas
are a long versus short distance from larger greenspaces within Norfolk city
limits will be estimated based upon a Euclidean (straight-line) distance calculated
with a GIS. Parcels of land that are 5
acres or larger in size and those that are 10 acres or larger in size will be
the baseline areas for the calculations. These area sizes were chosen based
upon the fact that most public parks in Norfolk are more than 10 acres in size
(Table 1). Only non-militarized land
spaces were included in this analysis because of their accessibility or
management by the public.
Section II: Methodology
attribute data acquired from the City of Norfolk’s GIS department[1]
that contained information on park locations, acreage, and type was
examined. A copy of the parks parcel
data was created and then each parks feature class (a digital, georeferenced
polygon) was edited to only include park areas that had forest, meadow, old
field, wetlands, small freshwater ponds, and/or passive-use grassy areas on at
least part of each polygon. Land cover in this manner was determined
visually via an orthophoto mosaic of Norfolk.
Park and greenspace polygons that included buildings, athletic fields,
large parking lots, major roads and other urbanized features were edited to
exclude those features, or were eliminated if urban features were the only land
cover contained in a polygon. This task
was accomplished by using heads-up digitizing tools in the ArcGIS 10.0
geographic information system (GIS) software.
The park type classification scheme employed by the city of Norfolk was
ignored, and all greenspaces from the city’s data were treated as a single
category (greenspace). It should be
noted that large bodies of open water, or bodies of water not completely
surrounded by public greenspace, were omitted from this analysis.
The original parks data only included public greenspaces
under the jurisdiction of the city’s parks, recreation, and open space
department, and did not include a publicly accessible greenspace managed by a
private organization, the Cape Henry Audubon Society, which manages a small
nature preserve known as the Weyanoke Bird Sanctuary[2]. This was added into the greenspace data. Additionally, public beaches were added into
the greenspace data layer which included beaches from the swash zone to the
dunes, and any other adjacent greenspace not already included in the city’s
data. High and low tides were ignored in
the creation of beach features.
Once all of the needed data was compiled, acreage of each
greenspace parcel was calculated using a geometric calculator built into GIS. Then, greenspace parcels that were ≥ 5 acres
and those that were ≥ 10 acres were isolated and then placed into their own
data layer, resulting in two GIS vector layers containing public greenspace
parcels for the different acreage criteria.
Next, a Euclidean-distance (straight-line distance) algorithm was
performed on each data layer that calculated the distance in feet (U.S.) that
each area was from the nearest greenspace of 5 or more acres and 10 or more
acres in size within the city of Norfolk.
The greenspace parcels, formatted as a vector polygon layer, was
automatically converted to a raster layer by the GIS. The distance categories were divided into
thirteen classes for each map, and then the results were displayed on two
separate presentation maps (see Maps 2 and 3).
Section III: Results
For both
outputs, a visual examination reveals that most areas of the city are a
moderate to far distance from the nearest greenspace. Greenspace parcels are showsn as green
polygons. Areas closer to a greenspace are shaded with a yellow-green hue. As areas progress further from the nearest
greenspace polygon, the hue transitions into a pink and purple shading, with
areas furthest from a greenspace shaded in blue. In Map 2, there is a small section of the
city in the middle that is a far distance from a given public greenspace, as
indicated by the pink to purple shading.
This same section is considerably larger in Map 3, indicating a lack of
nearby greenspace that is at least 10 acres in size. The middle section of both maps is part of
Norfolk characterized with a landscape of dense urbanization with many housing
communities, shopping malls, parking lots, industrial complexes, and busy
roads. There is also a large section in
the Northwest corner of the city that has blue-tinted shading, indicating that
this region is the furthest distance from a public greenspace. This is a militarized section of Norfolk that
is a part of the Norfolk Naval Base, and no militarized greenspace areas were
inputted into this analysis, as mentioned earlier. Land areas in the northern
sections of each map were shaded with a light green because of the presence of
linear greenspace in the form of public beaches and city-managed sand dunes
along the Chesapeake Bay. Areas of each
map that are shown as a smooth, black surface are bodies of open water.
Section IV: Discussion and
This greenspace analysis of Norfolk provides a general
visualization of the distribution of public, naturalized lands in a congested
coastal city in terms of distance in each area of the city to the nearest open
space. It also reveals the extent of
habitat fragmentation of terrestrial wildlife habitat. Although about half of the area in both maps
is categorized as being close to a greenspace, it should be noted that the
minimum acreage criteria of ≥5 acres and ≥10 acres is a modest size. Certain communities of flora and fauna may
need larger spaces and reserves to ensure population stability. In theory, a large[3]
reserve can hold a stable population of a given wildlife species and insulate it
from the effects of human disturbances (Akcayaka, Mills, & Doncaster, 2007). In contrast, smaller reserves are thought to
be more vulnerable to the “edge effect” of a weedy, polluted condition as a
result of its proximity to human disturbances such as urbanized areas
(Akcayaka, Mills, & Doncaster, 2007).
The output maps of this analysis could potentially serve a starting
point for terrestrial ecologists and wildlife managers to begin examining the
extent of habitat fragmentation in Norfolk, as well as determine which areas serve
as sources or sinks for wildlife metapopulations.
Another potential application as a result of this study
pertinent to natural resource conservation is determining suitability of
wildlife corridor locations. Prioritizing
areas of the city that have greenspace parcels close to each other may be a
more cost-effective and logistically realistic approach to developing and
maintaining urban wildlife corridors. The
Euclidean distance output displayed in Maps 2 and 3 can perhaps help narrow
down a search for wildlife corridor development in Norfolk by choosing
greenspace parcels that are close to each other. For example, in Map 2 there are two
greenspace areas in the north-central section of the map are nearly adjacent to
each other, and are not far from several other greenspace parcels and a beach,
located just to the north. The land area
separating these areas is primarily a residential neighborhood. Although a residential neighborhood is
technically a part of an urban land cover category, the yards in these areas
could be managed as backyard wildlife habitat to help mitigate the adverse
ecological effects of habitat fragmentation.
Backyard wildlife habitat usually
consists of incorporating environmental features into a front or back yard of a
residential complex (Figure 1). Native
landscaping, manmade ponds, rain gardens, butterfly gardens, and sustainable
energy technologies are some examples of what can be incorporated into backyard
wildlife habitat project. Maps 2 or 3 could
assist environmental activists with seeking out the best sites for coordinating
a neighborhood-wide backyard wildlife habitat initiative based upon number of
residential parcels, cost, or other project management factors.
There are some limitations to this greenspace analysis
that would need to be taken into consideration by any decision maker or natural
resource manager. The areas designated
as greenspaces for maps 1 and 2 were subjectively chosen by the researcher
based upon their knowledge of known locations public parks and nature
preserves. Areas managed for their
natural resources and open space in militarized zones or on private land were
neglected in this study, although these lands may offer the same benefits to people
and wildlife that public lands provide. Data
collection of greenspace parcels were imperfect, as well. Because a “heads-up” digitizing approach was
used as a primary data collection method, some of the greenspace parcels may
include urbanized land or buildings, which are not considered authentic greenspaces. The selection criteria for greenspaces
assumed that each parcel was the same in its suitability for wildlife
conservation as well as quality of wildlife habitat, when in fact some of the
greenspaces had land covers that consisted of mowed lawn, manicured park land,
athletic fields, and other areas not supportive of most wildlife
populations. This analysis also did not
take into account the amount and variability of wildlife cover and other essential
habitat components. Finally, the Euclidean
distance calculations were limited to areas within and near the city limits of
Norfolk; there may have been nearby greenspaces
in adjacent communities that were not accounted for in the results.
Despite its drawbacks, the deliverables for this study
revealed the urbanized geography of Norfolk, as well as illustrating a potentially
daunting challenge in regards to managing terrestrial wildlife and planning
more open space in an urban coastal community.
Section V: References
H. R., Mills, G., & Doncaster, C. P. (2007). Chapter 5: The role of
metapopulations in conservation. In D. Macdonald & K. Service (Eds.), Key
Topics in Conservation Biology.
L. (Photographer). (2011, October 04). File:NRCSIA03057 - Iowa (2525)(NRCS
Photo Gallery).tif [Print Photo]. Retrieved from
Chiras, D., & Reganold, J. (2005). Natural
resource conservation. (Ninth ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
of Norfolk recreation, parks, and open space, (2013). Parks. Retrieved from
E. T. (n.d.). Green infrastructure. (2000).
Planning Commissioners Journal, 37,
M. H. (2012). Mastering ArcGis.
(5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Census Bureau. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau. (2013). State & county quickfacts,
Norfolk city, Virginia. Retrieved from U.S. Census Bureau: State and County
QuickFacts website:
Section VI: Acknowledgements
would like to thank Mr. Paul Anderson, lab instructor at the Geographic
Information Systems laboratory at Old Dominion University, for giving me access
to the City of Norfolk’s parcel data for use in this study.
For details and metadata regarding the city of Norfolk’s geospatial data,
please contact Paul Anderson at
More information on the Weyanoke Bird Sanctuary can be found at <>.
There is no formal definition of ‘large’ in terms of reserve design and
management. The term ‘large’ in this
context has relative meaning.
Map 1: Orthophoto of a section of Norfolk, Virginia
showing dense urban development.
Table 1: Summarized descriptions of Norfolk’s public parks and greenspaces. Source:
City of Norfolk recreation, parks, and open space, 2013
Park Type
Specially designated parks for
festive events
Parks 10 acres in size or larger
Active Parks
Recreational parks that are usually 10
acres or less
Passive Parks
Passive-use areas that are usually 10 acres or less
sites with park amenities
Recreational or passive use. Some are shared with the city
Centers with open space areas
Has recreational and passive amenities
Dog parks, large road medians, golf
courses, fee-based areas, etc.

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Figure 1: Backyard wildlife habitat. By Photo by Lynn Betts, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. (USDA NRCS Photo Gallery: NRCSIA03057.tif) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. |
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