Natural notes: A letter to my neighbor 25 minutes up the road

December 26, 2013

President Obama:

            I am writing to urge you to stand down any legislation that would move the Keystone Pipeline project forward.  I know that we are in an economic bottleneck and that we need to create jobs and build back our economy sooner rather than later.  The Keystone Pipeline does sound promising with all of its presumed “job creation.”  But I hope you do NOT let this project go forward during your rein of power.  This pipeline has enormous environmental consequences looming beneath it, and as you know environmental depletion and economic degradation are intimately linked.  If we let this project move forward, we will further compromise America’s natural resources, including endangered natural capital such as brook trout and other sensitive wildlife, and the greenhouse gas emissions that result from this dirty energy production practice could vastly accelerate climate change.  Also, let us not forgot the high risk of oil spills, chemical leaks, habitat fragmentation, depleted real estate values, and more! 

Why not focus our energy efforts on clean, renewable sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, and food-based fuel sources (such as biodiesel)?  Wouldn’t this bring more jobs and prosperity to America?  And what about all of the energy we waste?  Think about the last time you were out at night and saw billboards blazed with spotlights or gas stations with blinding illumination that can be seen from miles away and high in the sky!  We could potentially reduce how much energy we think we need by 25% or more practically overnight - and without much compromise to convenience - if we thought about the level at which we inefficiently use energy and resources. 

I hope you will take this seriously and not let money or politics cloud your judgment.  Please do not allow this disastrous Keystone Pipeline project to move forward.  Instead, help us move forward towards environmental sustainability which can and will translate to economic vitality. 

Thank you for your leadership and have a happy New Year,

Alex Palmer

Hyattsville, MD


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