Wetlands: Definitions, Classification, and Conservation

This blog post consists of my lecture notes from Wetlands: Definitions, Classification, and Conservation, presented by Kim Blaszak, a resource technician with the Forest Preserves of Cook County. The lecture took place on July 29, 2015 at Sand Ridge Nature Center in South Holland, Illinois. What once was: Chicago's Vast Wetlands Chicago was incorporated as a town in 1833. The word 'chicago' refers to wild onions ( Alium spp .). Chicago was originally a small town surrounded by wetlands (figure 1). Figure 1: Map of the city of Chicago, circa 1833. Early inhabitants despised the wetlands due to the high volume of mosquitoes and frequent flooding. This distaste for Chicago's swampy conditions led to several pieces of legislation that sought to resolve Chicago's wetland "problem." The Flood Control Act of 1944 was one of the first major pieces of legislation that negatively impacted wetlands. The developme...