Natural Notes: Our Essential Oaks

This blog post consists of my notes from a presentation on oak ecosystems of the Greater Chicago Area. The presenter was Kim Blaszcak, Resource Management Project Manager with the Forest Preserves of Cook County. The presentation was delivered on October 6, 2016 at Sand Ridge Nature Center in South Holland, Illinois. Oaks as a keystone species Oaks ( Quercus spp .) are a keystone species in the Chicago Region. They support many organisms and ecosystem functions. Oaks are important to wildlife through acorn production and habitat. Oaks exhibit a periodic massive yield of acorns known as a mast year that compensated for periods of scarcity. Oak germination and timing of acorn production are important factors. Red oak acorns are produced in the fall and germinate the following spring. white oak acorns produce acorns which germinate in a single season (in the spring). Oaks are a critical food source for wildlife in North A...