Natural Notes: Turtles of Cook County

This blog post consists of my notes from a lecture on the natural history of turtles in Cook County, Illinois, delivered by Chris Anchor, wildlife biologist with the Forest Preserves of Cook County. The lecture and following staff training was conducted at Thatcher Woods in River Forest, IL during the morning of August 29, 2018 to an audience of mostly Forest Preserves staff. Native Cook County Turtle Species: Common Snapping Turtle ( Chelydra serpentina ) Painted Turtle ( Chrysemys picta ) Spiny Softshell ( Apalone spinifera ) Stinkpot or Musk ( Sternotherus odoratus ) Box Turtle ( Terrapene carolina ) Map Turtle ( Graptemys geographica ) False Map Turtle ( G. pseudogeographica ) Red-eared Slider ( Trachemys scripta ) Spotted Turtle ( Clemmys guttata ) Snapping Turtle Figure 1: Common Snapping Turtle displaying its jaws Snapping Turtles have jaws that crush prey rather than cut them (figure 1). Males frequently wander to look for femal...