Natural Notes: While you were in, wild animals were out

Spring is finally here! Birds are chirping, leaves are budding out, and some of you may be venturing over to the garden, bumping into neighbors that you probably haven't seen in several months. The snow is gone for the season (hopefully) and spirits are high. It has been a long and cold winter, and a general feeling of relief washes over everyone as the warm rays of sunshine trickle down. But during the long and cold winter wild animals in the University Village neighborhood had to endure it all. Wildlife in our region must do one of three things in order to survive winter. They either have to hibernate (or go dormant), migrate (get the heck out), or insulate themselves (grow a nice thick winter coat). The third option is the hardest, and unlike people, animals don't have a choice as to which option they choose, but rather they must possess physical adaptations that allow them to survive harsh winter conditions. Let's take a look at a ...